Try it and see

Author: Anu Karthik / Labels: ,

Lovely weather, rolled down windows, open sunroof, Tanha Tanha blaring on the car stereo, goggles too big for my face, an empty road and cruising at 60 mph, home to a waiting V, makes my day any day!

p.s. did I mention 60 mph in a 45 mph zone, ha!


Amrutha Ragavan said...

run Anu run..or wait, drive anu drive away! :)

Ms.N said...

Hey - noticed sometime back tht u started a blog. hope u have a nice journey with it!

well - i am not sure abt tanha tanha, but yea def - its fun just to drive with the breeze in ur hair!

Anu Karthik said...

Ammu : have you seen the movie run lola run?

N: for one, it has gotten very addictive, initial enthu i guess :)

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